Do you want to improve your global strategy ? Do you need to increase visibility and partnership on our market ? or more simply pass to the following step of you business and increase dramatically our sale ? The Agacy team is here to help you.
Agacy team is composed only by very experimented experts in the software and IT domain, covering all aspects of this business
- Sale,
- Marketing
- Partnership (Technology and integrators)
- Resellers or subsidiaries expansion WW
- Pricing
- SaaS Strategy
- Executives Coaching
Our Experts team is able to handle all apects of your Business in order to increase your value and performance.. CPM (Corporate Performance Management), GRC, BI, Cloud, NLP, NLQ, etc...
Have the best tool than your competitor with the best team who understand your needs.
Subsidary of an International Software vendor in France :
- Revamp and dynamize the people and company
- change to SaaS
- Change from Direct to Indirect model with reseller and OEM
- Motivate the team
- Reenforce Sale and Marketing team
- Team building
Whatever your needs : the Agacy team is here to help and ensure the success of your project with the right budget
Do you need mutli national talents who understand exactly your need and speak the same language than you.
Service company who wish to become SaaS company :
- Change Management
- Pricing challenge within Retail customers
- Value selling
Long term dedicated and specialized software vendor, who decided to go to a SaaS Strategy :
- Change Management --> goes to StartUp
- VMP agile Dev
- Pricing definition
- Global sale strategy
- Geo Expansion
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